A unique learning space for diploma students with modern classrooms, private study areas, kitchen facilities and an outdoor area.
Monash University – Monash College Learning Village
Monash College is the preferred pathway to Monash University for International Students. Developed as a pop-up facility with a 3-5 year lifespan, the Monash College Learning Village provides students with much needed classrooms during a period of high student growth.
CHW Consulting was engaged to provide the ICT and AV technology solution for the project. While the buildings were designed for temporary use, our team still aimed to equip the spaces with the best in technology design to ensure learning outcomes were maintained. Our team provided the ICT and AV solution for:
- 30 x Active Learning Classrooms
- 2 x Active Learning Large Lecture Theatres
- 2 x Social Learning Areas
- 6 x Meeting Rooms
- 1 x Collaborative Teaching & Learning Space